Four Leg Chain Slings 10mm - With Grab Hooks & Self Locking Hook 1.0 - 4.0m Length
Now from $599.00 Was $826.37
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Chain slings are the most common type of sling used in industrial rigging and lifting. They are composed of lengths of high tensile chain, with various high tensile components attached. All components that we use are Grade 80. At Equip2Go, we have alloy chain slings in one leg, two leg and four leg configurations for sale.
Given their sturdiness and durability, lifting chain slings have a variety of industrial applications, including being used in foundries, steel mills, heavy machine shops and various other industrial environments. In particular, they are useful for lifting skip bins, concrete slabs, pipes, building materials and other goods on construction sites. They are also ideal for harsh environments such as those with high temperatures and those that are exposed to chemicals and UV rays. While these conditions would damage synthetic lifting slings (flat slings and round slings), our industrial chain slings can withstand them.
Before choosing a chain sling for your workplace, there are a few things to keep in mind.
Our industrial lifting chains have a variety of safety features to ensure your security in the workplace. Each lifting chain sling is equipped with a shortening grab hook and a self-locking hook, providing added stability when rigging. They are also inspected and proof-tested in an accredited laboratory, and are supplied with their own test certificate and working load limit tag.
Additionally, the following measures can be carried out to further enhance safety conditions in the workplace. Before every use, it is important that you inspect your chain sling for any excessive wear, cracks, severe corrosion or twisted or bent links. In doing so, you can prevent workplace injuries from faulty chain slings. Furthermore, when lifting, be sure to not lift loads over other people and to not leave a suspended load unattended. By following these precautions, you can preserve the health and safety of all your employees.
Our chain slings enable safe and reliable lifting and rigging in any workplace. We deliver throughout Australia, with chain slings for sale in the following:
Chain slings Melbourne
Chain slings Sydney
Chain slings Perth
Chain slings Brisbane
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