MONSTAR Pallet Sleeve Bin 780mm High 1150(L) x 1150(W) x 780(H)mm
Now from $311.00 Was $345.00
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Our rectangular tanks are perfect for storing a broad range of large and bulky items. Constructed with rotationally moulded industrial plastic, our heavy-duty rectangular bins are designed to suit all kinds of industrial environments. Not only are our industrial rectangular storage containers food gradable, but they are completely reusable, making them able to be reused over and over again unlike most forms of one-way packaging. At Equip2Go, our selection of plastic rectangular megabins enables convenient storage and transportation of large items in a variety of workspaces.
Plastic rectangular tanks like ours are used in various industrial environments. They commonly function as warehouse rectangular tanks, factory rectangular tanks, office rectangular tanks, pharmaceutical rectangular tanks, laboratory rectangular tanks and more. In particular, they are often used to store and preserve food, textiles, laundry and other items. Regardless of the environment, you work in, our rectangular plastic tanks can provide a safe and reliable solution to storage and transportation of large products and materials.
When choosing one of our Nally megabins for your workplace, it is important to keep in mind the following.
Our industrial rectangular tanks are equipped with numerous features that improve convenience and safety in the workplace. For example, megabins like our 780L Nally Solid Megabin have a positive interlocking foot design that enables you to safely stack up to ten of them on top of each other, granting convenient storage of these tanks. Moreover, our 350L Rotomoulded Plastic Tank features nut inserts that allow you to attach castors and make them mobile. Additionally, all of our plastic rectangular tanks are easy to clean, high impact absorbing and resistant to most chemicals.
As our rectangular tanks are food gradable, they are suitable for the distribution and storage of food. Food gradable plastic megabins like these are particularly useful in environments such as cool rooms, storerooms, refrigerators and freezers. Since chemicals can begin to leak into the food in non-food gradable containers, it is vital to preserving workplace safety that you use a food gradable rectangular tub for food storage applications.
At Equip2Go, our selection of plastic rectangular tanks is ideal for storing and transporting all kinds of large and bulky items. With warehousing operations located in Dandenong South (VIC), Campbellfield (VIC), Wetherill Park (NSW), Canning Vale (WA) and Yatala (QLD), Equip2Go is your trusted provider of industrial rectangular tanks Australia.
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